Sunday, February 3, 2008

Scout Update 2/3/08

Poor Scoutie! The vet had me try to start weaning her off prednisone this weekend. I didn't give her the evening dose on Friday and she woke up yesterday very stiff and sore. I gave her the a.m. dose, thinking she'd perk up as the day went along. But she never did. In fact, Scout seemed to go into decline so quickly it was shocking (and scary) to me.

She just shut down. Didn't stop eating and drinking this time, but Scout quit moving. Just lay in one spot most of the day looking miserable. The spark I'd seen returning in her the past few days was gone.

The vet said if Scout showed any adverse reaction to the lowered dose to put her back on the previous schedule for another week. So I gave her the evening dose of prednisone last night, but she's still not feeling well today. Greg had to carry her down the stairs to go potty, then back up to her bed. She was trotting up and down the stairs quite easily just 3 days ago. I am amazed how fragile her health still is and how dependent Scout is on prednisone. I feel bad for putting her through this suffering all over again . . .

I visited a holistic pet store this week and got a top-grade organic dry food for her, plus digestive enzymes and probiotics (to help her combat the effects of the doxycycline she's taking).

So I am supporting her now with prayer and good nutrition. Hopefully, she'll be able to wean off the meds eventually . . .

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