First the Scout update: She went snow-shoeing yesterday! We only went about a mile and she was really stiff and sore the rest of the day, but we had a blast. When she got up this morning, she wasn't limping at all, so I'm excited. I'm going to try cutting her prednisone dose in half again tomorrow. Pray that the weaning will be successful this time. I have heard from several dog lovers around the country (thanks to Karen and her email plea for help) who have been down this road and their input has been very encouraging. Although some dogs fail weaning and have to be put on other immun-suppresant drugs and weaned off those . . .
Now the news: Many of you may already have heard, but Greg has resigned from Abundant Life and will be going on staff at Cornerstone fellowship (in Gresham) in March. It will be announced this Sunday. It will be more of a "sending" than a "leaving," as we've had wonderful partnership with Cornerstone in the past (Sportsman Banquet, trips to AK, etc.). Greg will be "co-pastor" with Barry Arnold and will be doing more preaching, teaching . . . the things he really loves. They only have one service at 10:30 Sunday mornings, so you all need to come visit every now and then. We are still all in the Lord's service together!
And I will continue on with Extreme Women Ministries! Hopefully, we'll just add a few new faces from Cornerstone! Bonnie Moore will now be the pointperson at ALC, though, although she and I will be planning and leading trips together. This blog will continue to be the spot to get info and updates. You can always contact me, but Bonnie's info will be listed in Coolstuff and on the church website now. Dana will also be listed as a contact for the Extreme Women lite, "Stop and smell the roses" events.
Bonnie and Dana talked last week and instead of doing both events on the same day, they will stagger them--giving two outings each month instead of one. We'll try to have all the info for March's events in next week's coolstuff--and here on the blog.
I love you all and am looking forward to many more extreme outings with you in the future!
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