Weather permitting, we'll strap on our snowshoes one last time this year. My goal is to do the six-mile-long loop from the Glacier Sno Park (right across from the Mirror Lake Trailhead) to Summit Sno Park (at Gov't Camp). We can get a latte', to potty, take pictures and catch our breath at Summit before hit the return trail. How fun is that?
As usual, have snowshoe equipment rented ahead of time and meet at Abundant Life church at 9 a.m. Saturday April 5th. Bring a sack lunch--something you can eat on the go--and lots of water. Wear layers and don't dress too warmly. We've found that extra socks and snug boots are the best defense against blisters. If you haven't been snowshoeing before and have questions, call either Bonnie Moore (503-492-1411) or Shawn Strannigan (503-415-0206)
Dogs are welcome! You'll need $$ to chip in for gas, treats and maybe sno park passes. We should get back to the church between 3 and 4 that afternoon.
If meeting at ALC is out of the way for you, we can meet up at Mountain Mocha and carpool from there. Let either Bonnie or me know if you prefer to do this.